Te Reo Māori vocabulary

Animals = Ngā Kararehe

Names of animals.

Birds = Ngā Manu

Native and endemic birds. (Although manu is a broader concept in te reo)

Body = Te Tinana

Parts of the Human Body.

Bugs = Nga Ngārara

Insects and other small creatures.

Category O

A memory device to help remember the O category.

Celebrations = Ngā Whakanui

Kupu for birthdays and holidays.

Clothing = Ngā Kākahu

Clothes and other wearables.

Colours = Ngā Tae

Basic list of colours.

Days (loan) = Ngā Rā (kupu mino)

Weekday names (loan)

Days = Ngā Rā

Weekday names


Parts of the face.

Family = Whānau

Words for family members.

Fish and Shellfish = Te Kaimoana

A variety of fish and shellfish. (Kaimoana means seafood)

Food = Te Kai

Common foods.

Fruit = Ngā Huarakau

Common fruits.

Greetings and Farewells = Ngā Mihi

Basic greetings and farewells.

House = Te Whare

Names of rooms and parts of the house.

How are you? = Kei te pēhea koe?

Words to use in replying to 'Kei te pēhea koe?' (How are you?)

Ingredients = Ngā Kai Whakauru

Various cooking ingredients.

Locations (relative) = Ngā Wahi

General locations of where things/people are.

Mealtime = Te Kai

Words for different meals, and other words related to eating.

Meat = Ngā Miti

Common types of meat.

Months (loan) = Ngā Marama (kupu mino)

Months of the year, based on the English month names.

Months (traditional) = Ngā Marama

Ngā Marama o te Tau, months of the year, using the traditional Māori calendar.

Natural World = Te Ao Tūroa

Words for natural features.

Numbers = Ngā Tau

Numbers, with 3 levels to choose from.

Occupations = Ngā Mahi

Different occupations and work roles.

People = Ngā Tāngata

Describing relatives and other people.

Preparing Food = Whakarite Kai

Words associated with food preparation and cooking.

Pronouns = Ngā Tūkapi

Personal pronouns.

Questions = Ngā Pātai

Practising some common questions.

Sayings = Ngā Whakataukī

Expressions of wisdom, wit, and common-sense.

Shapes = Ngā Āhuahanga

Different shapes.

Sports = Ngā Hākinakina

Sports are very popular in Aotearoa. How many do you know?

Technology = Te Hangarau

Various elements of modern technology.

This, that, these, those = Tēnei, etc

Where things are.

Time = Te Wā

Time-related kupu.

Town = Te Tāone

Words for buildings and other features of the town.

Vegetables = Ngā Huawhenua

Common vegetables.

Verbs (doing words) = Tūmahi

Some common verbs (doing words).

Weather = Te Huarere

Asking and speaking about the weather.

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